Katie Lester

About Me:

I am a Visiting Assistant Professor at Mount Holyoke College teaching intro and upper level undergrad astronomy classes.

I was previously a NASA postdoc fellow at NASA Ames working with Dr. Steve Howell and the speckle interferometry group. I studied planets in binary star systems, specifically how binary orbital properties affect planet formation and how planet properties differ in single star systems vs binary star systems.

I received my PhD at Georgia State University working with Dr. Doug Gies to measure the orbits and fundamental parameters of eight visual & spectroscopic binary stars. I was also the president of AstroPAL, a mentoring group for astronomy grad students, and a lab TA for the intro astronomy classes.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing tennis, reading fantasy books, biking, and baking! I also taught spin classes at the GSU gym.

Trip to the APO 3.5m telescope
APOLLO project shooting a laser at the Moon!
Observing at the CHARA Array


PhD in Astronomy  -  Georgia State University
MS in Physics  -  Georgia State University
BS in Astrophysics  -  Lehigh University


Email: klester [at] mtholyoke [dot] edu
Office: 213 Kendade Hall, MHC
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers